Rejoice and Renewal
With values rooted in the Roman Catholic Church, we welcome and respect all faith traditions, customs and practices. Our Director of Spiritual Care is available to you at any time, and we strive to facilitate ways for you to remain in touch with the congregation of faith which are a crucial part of one’s identity. We recognize that spirituality is deeply personal by remaining sensitive to the needs of you and your family, and we strive to create a caring and comforting environment.
Spiritual Care Services
Our spiritual care team offers support and guidance consistent with everyone’s own traditions and beliefs. We offer a variety of services and facilities dedicated to spiritual care, including:
- Chapel
- Holy Communion
- Pastoral visits and services
- Daily Mass (Monday-Friday)
- Inter-denominational celebrations
- Grief support
You can request spiritual care when you:
- Want someone to pray with you or for you.
- Need to talk.
- Need someone to listen.
- Feel lonely, separated, forgotten, scared, or worried.
- Feel grateful, blessed, prayerful, or heard by God.
- Feel like you have lost your faith.
- Feel like giving up.
- Feel like you are unable to forgive or pray
- Have cause to celebrate.